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Phone: {{location.Phone}} Hours: {{location.Hours}}

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DAV MN is a nonprofit that serves the Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota

TVI, Inc. dba Savers / Unique Thrifta for-profit corporation, is a professional fundraiser in the State of Minnesota providing this online tool for use by  Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota, a charitable organization located in St Paul, Minnesota, whose mission is to empower Minnesota Veterans, their dependents and survivors to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. For items you donate at our Community Donation Center, Savers pays Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota 5.3 cents per pound of clothing and other soft goods, 3.5 cents per pound of miscellaneous household goods, and 2 cents per item of furniture and other large items, 2 cents per pound of books. For items delivered by the charity to us, Savers pays Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota 42.4 cents per pound of clothing and other soft goods, 21.6 cents per pound of miscellaneous household goods, and 2 cents per item of furniture or other large items and 3 cents per pound of books.

While donations received at Savers stores in Minnesota benefit DAV MN, shopping at Savers does not directly benefit any nonprofit.

For further information about how your donations support a Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota, please contact 651-487-2002.



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